Implementing High Availability and Disaster Recovery for Azure SQL Databases

1m 23s

High availability disaster recovery (HADR) is an integral part of any organization’s data strategy. It is also an essential string to every DBA's bow. In an online world that operates 24 hours a day, going offline or losing customers' data cannot be tolerated. This lesson examines the features that Azure provides to help you make sure your SQL databases, whether they are managed in the cloud or on-premise, are not the point of failure in your systems.

High availability disaster recovery encompasses two fundamental concepts. Firstly, how to minimize the amount of time your databases will be offline in the event of unforeseen events like hardware failures, power outages, or any number of natural disasters. Secondly, it looks at how to minimize data loss when any of these events occur. It is one thing to be offline, but it is another thing to lose data that is already in your custody.

In this lesson, we will cover the full range of Azure options from turnkey to custom and do-it-yourself solutions. If you have any feedback relating to this lesson, feel free to reach out to us at

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the concepts and elements of high availability and disaster recovery
  • Learn about hyperscale databases and how they are used
  • Learn how to combine on-premise with the cloud to replicate and sync your data
  • Understand what always on availability groups are and how they operate
  • Implement geo-replication and failover groups
  • Learn about the wide range of options you have for backing up your databases with Azure

Intended Audience

This lesson is intended for anyone who wants to implement high availability and disaster recovery procedures in place for their Azure SQL databases.


This is an intermediate to advanced lesson and so to get the most out of it, you should be familiar with SQL Server management studio, database operations like backup and restore, and T-SQL, and also have some familiarity with basic active directory concepts like users and permissions.

About the Author
Learning paths

Hallam is a software architect with over 20 years experience across a wide range of industries. He began his software career as a  Delphi/Interbase disciple but changed his allegiance to Microsoft with its deep and broad ecosystem. While Hallam has designed and crafted custom software utilizing web, mobile and desktop technologies, good quality reliable data is the key to a successful solution. The challenge of quickly turning data into useful information for digestion by humans and machines has led Hallam to specialize in database design and process automation. Showing customers how leverage new technology to change and improve their business processes is one of the key drivers keeping Hallam coming back to the keyboard. 

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